Публикации воспитателей детских садов
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Программа обучения для детей дошкольного возраста "Театр английского языка"

Курманова Жанат Маулетовна Курманова Жанат Маулетовна

Государственное коммунальное казённое предприятие: ясли-сад «Балдаурен»
Отдела образования Сарыкольского района

Программа обучения для детей дошкольного возраста «Театр английского языка»

Исполнитель: Курманова Ж. М.
Преподаватель английского языка

п. Сарыколь 2016 г.
Программа обучения английскому языку детей дошкольного возраста «Театр английского языка»

Содержание данной программы предполагает развитие языковых способностей детей дошкольного возраста в трех направлениях:

- развитие эмоциональной сферы;
- овладение способами действия;
- выход на самостоятельное творчество.

Автор: Курманова Ж. М.- преподаватель английского языка ГККП: ясли-сад «Балдаурен» акимата Сарыкольского района

П. Сарыколь, 2016 год


Пояснительная записка……………………………………… 2-3

Сценарий сказки «Под грибом» на английском языке
для детей 4-5 лет………………………………………………4-5

Сценарий сказки «Рукавичка» на английском языке
для детей 4-5 лет………………………………………………6-7

Сценарий сказки «Репка» на английском языке
для детей 4-5 лет………………………………………………8-9

Сценарий сказки «Колобок» на английском языке
для детей 5-6 лет………………………………………………10-11

Сценарий сказки «Журавль и Лиса» на английском языке для детей 5-6 лет………………………………………………12

Сценарий сказки «Три поросенка» на английском языке для детей 5-6 лет………………………………………………13-14

Сценарий сказки «Красная Шапочка» на английском языке для детей 5-6 лет………………………………………………15-16

Сценарий сказки «Золушка» на английском языке
для детей 5-6 лет………………………………………………17-19

Пояснительная записка
Дошкольный возраст традиционно считается наиболее благоприятным, сенситивным периодом для овладения иностранным языком. Исследования как отечественных, так и зарубежных педагогов и лингвистов показали: при раннем старте овладение вторым языком опирается на те же механизмы, что и усвоение родного языка [1, 15; 3, 5]. Было доказано, что раннее начало обучения второму языку формирует у детей металингвистические способности, языковую интуицию, способствует творческому развитию.
В связи с тем, что ребенок дошкольного возраста не воспринимает иностранный язык как средство общения (что само по себе является серьезной проблемой при обучении), мною было предложено пробудить и активизировать интерес к нему посредством театрального искусства, которое в последние годы стало частью образовательного процесса.
В 2016 году мною была разработана программа обучения английскому языку детей дошкольного возраста «Театр английского языка», составленная с учетом психологических особенностей дошкольников каждой возрастной группы. Условно программа предполагает 3 этапа обучения:
1 этап – вторая младшая группа (первый год, пропедевтический курс);
2 этап – средняя группа (второй год обучения);
3 этап – старшая группа (третий год обучения).

В соответствии с Санитарно-эпидемиологическими правилами и нормативами продолжительность занятий по английскому языку в сетке ДОУ составляет во второй младшей и средней группах – не более 15-20 минут один раз в неделю, в старшей – не более 25 минут два раза в неделю [2, 23]. Занятия по английскому языку, которые требуют умственного напряжения, проводятся в первой половине дня по подгруппам.
Программа «Театр английского языка» предполагает развитие языковых способностей детей дошкольного возраста в трех направлениях:
- развитие эмоциональной сферы;
- овладение способами действия;
- выход на самостоятельное творчество.
При этом подразумевается гармоничное сочетание и взаимопроникновение этих направлений, их постепенное усложнение.
На каждом возрастном этапе занятия носят специфический характер, зависящий от психологических особенностей детей.
Во второй младшей группе такие занятия имеют пропедевтическую направленность: они «вводят» детей в театральное искусство и английский язык, снимают тревожность и стеснение малышей.
У детей средней группы в «занятии-действии» преобладает художественно-эмпирическая часть: в процессе игр и упражнений воспитанники учатся внятно, громко, эмоционально говорить, передавать интонации, эмоции, характерные для разных животных и сказочных героев. В соответствии с программой в этой возрастной группе проходят постановки сказок «Под грибом», «Рукавичка» и «Репка» на английском языке.
В старшей группе в учебный процесс включаются занятия по технике исполнения, итогом которых является спектакль, праздник или театрализованное представление, где дети проявляют и закрепляют приобретенные ими речевые умения, простейшие знания и навыки актерского мастерства. Предполагается постановка таких сказок, как «Колобок», «Журавль и Лиса»; «Три поросенка», «Красная Шапочка», «Золушка».
Одна из наиболее сложных задач в организации театральной деятельности дошкольников на английском языке – отбор и адаптация сценариев для будущих постановок.
При отборе сценариев я закладываю в тексты большое количество действия, которое сопровождает речь героев и активизирует речевые навыки воспитанников.
Сценарные тексты на английском языке содержат знакомый детям речевой и языковой материал. Я стараюсь использовать только те языковые конструкции, которые отрабатывались на занятиях 6 по английскому языку. Кроме того, постановки сказок проходят обычно в заключение определенной лексической темы.
Обязательно в тексте сценария используются реплики – повторы, в которых многократно повторяется один и тот же языковой и речевой материал. Это облегчает усвоение роли и акцентирует внимание на основных моментах постановки.
Данные разработки сценариев театральных постановок на английском языке представляют интерес для специалистов в области преподавания английского языка в детском саду и начальной школе. Кроме того, они могут быть использованы педагогами дополнительного образования в детских театральных студиях.

Сценарий сказки «Под грибом» на английском языке для детей 4-5 лет

Under the Mushroom

Characters: Mushroom (a teacher); Butterfly, Mouse, Frog, Hare, Hedgehog, Fox (children).

The Characters sing *“The Weather Song” and then they run away.

It’s raining here. It’s raining there.
It’s raining, raining every where.
I’m wet. I’m wet.
I’m very, very wet.
It’s raining here. It’s raining there.
It’s raining every where.

Mushroom:It’s raining here. It’s raining there. It’s raining every where.
Butterfly: Fly, fly, butterfly!
So quickly and high In the blue, blue sky!
Hello! I’m wet.
Mushroom:Hello! Come here!

Mouse: I’m a mouse.
What a nice house!
Hello! I’m wet.
Mushroom: Hello! Come here!

Frog: I’m a frog. Croak-croak!
I can jump. I can stop.
Hello! I’m wet.
Mushroom: Hello! Come here!

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog,
Little one.
I can stop. I can run.
Hello! I’m wet.
Mushroom: Hello! Come here!

Hare: I’m a hare. Help me! Help me!
Mushroom and the animals: Come here! Come here!

Fox comes up to the Mushroom.
Mushroom and the animals: Foxy, foxy!
Let us play!
Fox: I’m hungry!
Run away!
Mushroom and the animals: Foxy, foxy!
Let us play!
Fox: I’m hungry!
Run away!
After this game the Fox runs away.
Mushroom and the animals sing * the song «Thank you. You’re welcome»
Thank you. You’re welcome.
Thank you. You’re welcome.
Thank you. You’re welcome.
Thank you very much. You’re welcome.


* Carolyn Graham Tiny Talk(songbook).Oxford University Press, 1999.

Сценарий сказки «Рукавичка» на английском языке для детей 4-5 лет

The Mitten

Characters:Author, Mouse, Frog, Hedgehog, Hare, Fox, Chorus of children.

Chorus of children: (*the song).
Snowflakes falling all around,
Falling, falling, on the ground. Falling here, falling there, On my nose, on my hair.
Snowflakes falling all around,
Falling, falling, on the ground.
Author:Welcome to our forest! Snowflakes are falling around. Oh, look! What a pretty mitten! A mouse is running.

Mouse: I am a little grey mouse.
I want to live in this house.

Author:Oh, look! A frog is jumping.

Frog:Oh,what a nice mitten! Knock - knock!

Mouse: Who are you?

Frog:I am a little green frog.
I like to sit on the log.

Mouse: Come in, please!

Author:Oh, look! A hedgehog is running!

Hedgehog:Oh,what a nice mitten! Knock - knock!

Animals:Who are you?

Hedgehog:I am a hedgehog, a little one.
I like to play. I like to run.
Animals:Come in, please!
Author:Oh, look! A hare is hopping!

Hare:Oh,what a nice mitten! Knock - knock!

Animals:Who are you?

Hare:I am a little white hare.
I can hop. I can stop.
Animals:Come in, please!

Author:Oh, look! A fox is going!

Fox:Oh,what a nice mitten! Knock - knock!

Animals:Who are you?

Fox:I am a fox.
I am clever and red.
I like meat. I like bread.
Animals:Come in, please!

Author:It is so dark in the forest. But the animals are happy. They have got a little wonderful star.

Animals:(*the song).
Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!

The End
* Carolyn Graham Mother Goose Jazz Chants.Oxford University Press, 1998.

Сценарий сказки «Репка» на английском языке для
детей 4-5 лет

The Turnip

Characters: Author, Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Dog, Cat, Mouse.

Author:Once upon a time there was a big turnip in the garden. Turnip:Hello, friends! I’m very, very big.

Author: Look! Here is a grandfather. He counts the potatoes.
One potato, two potatoes,Three potatoes, four.
Five potatoes, six potatoes, Seven potatoes, more.
Bad one.

Author: Grandfathercomes up to the turnip.
Grandfather:What a big turnip! One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out) Turnip:I’m very, very big.
Author:Let’s call Grandmother.
Grandfather:Grandmother, come here! Help me, please!
Grandmother:Well, I’m coming!

Author:Grandmothercomes up to the turnip.
Grandmother:What a big turnip!
All together: One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out) Turnip:I’m very, very big.
Author:Let’s call Granddaughter.
Grandmother:Granddaughter, come here! Help me, please! Granddaughter:Well, I’m coming!

Author:Granddaughtercomes up to the turnip.
Granddaughter:What a big turnip!
All together: One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out) Turnip:I’m very, very big.
Author:Let’s call Dog.
Granddaughter:Dog, come here! Help me please! Dog:Well, I’m coming!

Author:Dogcomes up to the turnip.
Dog:What a big turnip!
All together: One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out) Turnip:I’m very, very big.
Author:Let’s call Cat.
Dog:Cat, come here! Help me, please!
Cat:Well, I’m coming!

Author:Catcomes up to the turnip.
Cat:What a big turnip!
All together: One, two, three! (Pulling the turnip out) Turnip:I’m very, very big.
Author:Let’s call Mouse.
Cat:Mouse, come here! Help me, please!
Mouse:Well, I’m coming!

Mouse:What a big turnip!
All together: One, two, three! (The turnip comes out) Turnip and all together: (*the song).
Thank you. You’re welcome.
Thank you. You’re welcome. Thank you. You’re welcome.
Thank you very much. You’re welcome.


*Carolyn Graham Tiny Talk(songbook).Oxford University Press, 1999.

Сценарий сказки «Колобок» на английском языке для детей 5-6 лет

The Little Bun

Characters: Author, Grandfather Benny, Grandmother Sue, Little Bun, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox.
Scene 1
Author:Once upon a time there lived Grandfather Benny and Grandmother Sue.
*Song «My Name’s Benny»

Benny: My name’s Benny.
Sue: Good morning, Benny. Benny: My name’s Benny.
Sue: Good morning, Benny.
Benny:Good morning, girls and boys!

Sue: My name’s Sue.
Benny:Good morning, Sue. Sue: My name’s Sue.
Benny:Good morning, Sue.
Sue:Good morning, girls and boys!

Benny:Sue! I’m hungry! Bake Little Bun, please!
Sue: Yes, Benny!
Water, flour, butter, cream sour!
Water, flour, butter, cream sour!
Little Bun: Hello! I’m Little Bun.
I’m alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic!
I’m alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic!
I’m alive, awake, alert. I’m alert, awake, alive.
I’m alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic!
Author:Little Bun jumps out of the window and runs along the road.

Scene 2
Little Bun: Step, step on the ground, in the forest look around. Oh, Hare!
Hare:Hello! Who are you?
Little Bun: Hello! I’m Little Bun.
Hare:I’m so hungry.
Little Bun: Up, down, turn around, turn around – booms! Author:Hare falls down. Little Bun runs away.

Scene 3
Little Bun: Step, step on the ground, in the forest look around. Oh, Wolf!
Wolf:Hello! Who are you?
Little Bun: Hello! I’m Little Bun.
Wolf:I’m so hungry.
Little Bun: Up, down, turn around, turn around – booms!
Author:Wolf falls down. Little Bun runs away.

Scene 4
Little Bun: Step, step on the ground, in the forest look around. Oh, Bear!
Bear:Hello! Who are you?
Little Bun: Hello! I’m Little Bun.
Bear:I’m so hungry.
Little Bun: Up, down, turn around, turn around – booms!
Author:Bear falls down. Little Bun runs away.

Scene 5
Little Bun: Step, step on the ground, in the forest look around. Oh, Fox!
Fox:Hello! Who are you?
Little Bun: Hello! I’m Little Bun. Fox:I’m so hungry.
Little Bun: (*song)
Bye, bye. See you tomorrow.
Bye, bye. See you tomorrow.
Bye, bye. See you tomorrow. Bye, bye. Bye, bye.

Author:Fox falls asleep. Little Bun runs away.
Fox:See you tomorrow?!


*Carolyn Graham Tiny Talk(songbook).Oxford University Press, 1999.

Сценарий сказки «Журавль и Лиса» на английском языке для детей 5-6 лет

The Crane and the Fox Characters: Crane, Fox, Chorus of children.

Scene ICrane:Good morning, Mrs. Fox!
Fox:Good morning, Mr. Crane! I’m glad to see you.
Crane:How are you?
Fox: Excellent, thanks. And you?
Crane: I’m O.K. But I’m very hungry.
Fox:(the song)
Come to dinner! Come to dinner!
Ding, dong, dell! Ding, dong, dell!
Soup, meat and potatoes. Soup, meat and potatoes. Ding, dong, dell! Ding, dong, dell!

The Fox has 2 plates with food. But the Crane can’t eat it.

Crane: Thank you very much.

Scene IIFox:Good evening, Mr. Crane!
Crane:Good evening, Mrs. Fox!
Fox:How are you?
Crane: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Fox: I’m O.K. But I’m very hungry. Crane:(the rhyme) Come to supper!
Monday, Tuesday - meat and fish.
Wednesday, Thursday – bread and cheese.
Friday, Saturday – sandwich, sausage.
Twice on Sunday – porridge, porridge.

The Crane has 2 jugs with food. But the Fox can’t eat it.

Chorus of children: (*the song)
He eats chicken soup for lunch Every day at noon.
He eats chicken soup for lunch Every day at noon.
Chicken soup, chicken soup,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Chicken soup, chicken soup,
Friday, Saturday, twice on Sunday. He eats chicken soup for lunch Every day at noon.
The Fox and the Crane are running around the table.
The Fox is very angry. She tries to catch the Crane.


Сценарий музыкальной сказки «Три поросенка» на английском языке для детей 5-6 лет
Three Little Pigs

Characters: Niff-Niff, Nuff-Nuff, Naff-Naff, Big Bad Wolf; the first, the second, the third child.
Scene 1
The first child:(* the rhyme)
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had cherries,
This little piggy had none,
And this little piggy cried, “Wee, wee, wee”All the way home.
Three pigs: (singing and dancing)
We are happy little pigs, Little pigs, little pigs,
We are happy little pigs, La, la, la, la.
Niff-Niff: Hello! My name is Niff-Niff. I’m funny.
Nuff-Nuff: Hi! My name is Nuff-Nuff. I’m sad.
Niff-Niff and Naff-Naff: Why?!
Nuff-Nuff: It is a secret.
Naff-Naff: Good morning! My name is Naff-Naff. I’m clever.

Scene 2
Three pigs: Where are our houses? Let’s build the houses!
Niff-Niff:(singing and running around the house)
I have a little house of grass,
House of grass, house of grass, I have a little house of grass, La, la, la, la.
Nuff-Nuff:(singing and running around the house)
I have a little house of sticks,
House of sticks, house of sticks, I have a little house of sticks, La, la, la, la.
Naff-Naff:(singing and running around the house)
I have a little house of bricks,
House of bricks, house of bricks, I have a little house of bricks, La, la, la, la.

The second child:(the rhyme)
Little mouse has a house.
Big cat has a flat.
Mr. Broom has a room.
The third child:(the rhyme)
I’m looking for a house”,
Says the little mouse,
With one room for breakfast,
One room for tea,
One room for supper – That makes three.
One room for dancing,
When I give a ball,
A kitchen and a bedroom – Six rooms all.

Scene 3 Big Bad Wolf: (knocking at the door) Knock-knock!
Niff-Niff: Who are you?
Big Bad Wolf: I’m Big Bad Wolf. Let me in!
Niff-Niff: No, no, go away!
Big Bad Wolf: (puffing; the house is falling down)
Niff-Niff:(running to Nuff-Nuff)
Big Bad Wolf:(knocking at the door) Knock-knock!
Niff-Niff and Nuff-Nuff: Who are you?
Big Bad Wolf: I’m Big Bad Wolf. Let me in!
Niff-Niff and Nuff-Nuff: No, no, go away! Big Bad Wolf:(puffing; the house is falling down)Niff-Niff and Nuff-Nuff: (running to Naff-Naff)

Big Bad Wolf: (knocking at the door) Knock-knock!
Three pigs: Who are you?
Big Bad Wolf: I’m Big Bad Wolf. Let me in!
Three pigs: No, no, go away!
Big Bad Wolf:(puffing; no luck; running away)
Three pigs: (singing and dancing)
Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf?
Big Bad Wolf,Big Bad Wolf,
Who’s afraid of Big Bad Wolf?
Big Bad Wolf has gone!


* Carolyn Graham Mother Goose Jazz Chants. Oxford University Press, 1998.

Сценарий сказки «Красная Шапочка» на английском языке для детей 5-6 лет
Little Red Riding Hood

Characters: Little Red Riding Hood, Mother, Granny, Wolf, 2 Hunters.

Scene 1
Once upon a time there lived a pretty girl named Little Red Riding Hood. Look! She is sleeping.
Mother:(*the song)
Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Dear girl, dear girl!
Morning bells are ringing. Morning bells are ringing. Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong.

Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, mummy! I’m glad to see you.
Mother:Good morning, dear! How are you?
Little Red Riding Hood: I’m fine, thank you.
Mother:Little Red Riding Hood, take this basket and go to your granny. Little Red Riding Hood: All right, dear mommy.

Scene 2
Little Red Riding Hood is going to her granny. There are many beautiful flowers and butterflies in the forest. The girl is singing. The Wolf is sitting behind the tree.
Little Red Riding Hood:(**the song)
I can see trees. I can see sky.
I can see butterflies. I can see butterflies.
I can see clouds. I can see sky.
I can see butterflies… Wolf:(the song)…So can I.
Little Red Riding Hood: (the song)
I can see flowers. Red and blue.
I can see blue-birds, too.
I can see blue-birds. I can see two birds.
I can see butterflies… Wolf:(the song)…I can, too.
Hello, Miss!
Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf!
Wolf:Tell me, please, what is your name?
Little Red Riding Hood: I’m Little Red Riding Hood. I’m going to my granny. Wolf:Is it far from here?
Little Red Riding Hood: No, it isn’t.
Wolf:O.K. Good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood. See you soon.
Little Red Riding Hood: Good-bye, Mr. Wolf!

Scene 3
The Wolf is knocking at the grandmother’s door.
Wolf:Knock – knock!
Granny:Who’s that?
Wolf:It’s me!
Granny:Who’s “me”?
Wolf:Little Red Riding Hood.
Granny: Come in, dear!
But the Wolf has no luck. The Granny is running away.

Scene 4
Little Red Riding Hood is knocking at the grandmother’s door.
Little Red Riding Hood: Knock – knock!
Wolf:Who’s that?
Little Red Riding Hood: Little Red Riding Hood.
Wolf:Come in, dear!
Little Red Riding Hood: I’m glad to see you, granny. Oh, what big ears you’ve got!
Wolf:I want to hear you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, what big eyes you’ve got!
Wolf:I want to see you, my dear.
Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, what big teeth you’ve got!
Wolf:I want to eat you, my dear!

Clap – clap – clap! Two Hunters and the brave granny are coming. The Wolf is jumping out of the window. Little Red Riding Hood is sitting under the blanket.

Two Hunters: (*the song)
Have you ever seen a lassie, a lassie, a lassie?
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and that?
Go this way and that way, Go this way and that way.
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and that?
Little Red Riding Hood: I’m here! I’m here!
Granny:Oh, dear, I’m so glad to see you again!

The End

* Carolyn Graham Mother Goose Jazz Chants. Oxford University Press, 1998.
**Carolyn Graham Tiny Talk(songbook).Oxford University Press, 1999.

Сценарий сказки «Золушка» на английском языке для детей 5-6 лет

Characters: Cinderella, her father, her stepmother, her stepsisters – Mary and Sue, Fairy, Prince, two detectives.

Scene 1
Once upon a time there lived a poor girl named Cinderella. Look! It’s an early morning. Cinderella’s father is sleeping.
Cinderella:(*the song)
Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Father John, father John,
Morning bells are ringing,
Morning bells are ringing, Ding, ding, dong.
Ding, ding, dong.

Father:Good morning, dear!
Cinderella: Good morning, daddy! How are you?
Father:I’m fine. And you?
Cinderella: I’m O.K. Thanks.
The angry Stepmother is coming and father John is running away.

Scene 2
Stepmother:Cinderella! I’m hungry! I want chicken soup!
Stepsisters, Mary and Sue, are coming.

Mary and Sue: Good morning, mummy!
Stepmother: Morning! How are you, Mary?
Mary:Oh, I’m terrible! Oh, my head!
Stepmother:How are you, Sue?
Sue:Oh, I’m terrible! Oh, my tooth!
Mary:Cinderella! I’m hungry! I want toast for breakfast!
Sue: Cinderella! I’m hungry! I want milk and cereal for breakfast!
Cinderella: Yes, sister! Yes, sister!
Cinderella is laying the table for breakfast.

Stepmother, Mary and Sue: (**the song)
Toast for breakfast, I like toast and jam.
Toast for breakfast, I like toast and jam.
Toast for breakfast, I like toast and jam.
Milk and cereal, milk and cereal. I like milk and I like cereal.
Milk and cereal, milk and cereal.
I like toast and jam.

Scene 3
Stepmother, Mary, Sue and Cinderella are sitting at the table. The phone is ringing.

Stepmother:(by the phone) Hello! Wow! I’m so happy! Thank you very much. Good bye.
Stepmother, Mary and Sue: (*the song)
Let’s go to the ball!
Let’s go to the ball!
Look! Now it’s six o’clock.
Let’s go to the ball!
Stepmother:I want a beautiful, beautiful purple dress!
Mary:I want a beautiful, beautiful pink dress!
Sue:I want a beautiful, beautiful blue dress!
Cinderella:And I want a beautiful, beautiful white dress!
Stepmother, Mary and Sue are laughing.
Stepmother:Cinderella, wash dishes!
Mary:Cinderella, water flowers!
Sue:Cinderella, go shopping!
Stepmother, Mary and Sue: (*the song)
Let’s go to the ball!
Let’s go to the ball!
Look! Now it’s six o’clock.
Let’s go to the ball!

Stepmother, Mary and Sue are going away.

Scene 4
Cinderella is crying so bitter. Fairy is coming.
Cinderella:Oh, who can help me?
Fairy:I can help you.
Cinderella:Who are you?
Fairy:I’m a fairy. What is your problem?
Cinderella:I want to the ball.
Fairy:No problems! Look! One, two, three! (Waving the magic stick) Here is a carriage. Here is a horse. Here is a driver. Here is a beautiful dress. Here are your shoes. Cinderella:Thank you very much.
Fairy:Remember! Come back before 12 o’clock!

Scene 5
The palace of Prince. Prince is coming up to Cinderella.
Prince:Good evening, Miss!
Cinderella:Good evening, Sire!
Prince:May I dance with you?
Cinderella:With pleasure.

They are dancing. The Royal Clock is stroking 12.
Cinderella:Oh, it’s 12 o’clock! Sorry! I must go. Good bye! Prince:Oh, dear! (Holding her shoe)

Scene 6
Prince and two detectives are looking for Cinderella.

Prince and two detectives: (*the song)
Have you ever seen a lassie, a lassie, a lassie?
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and that?
Go this way and that way, Go this way and that way.
Have you ever seen a lassie go this way and that?

Stepmother, Mary and Sue are sitting on the sofa. Cinderella – on the chair.
Prince and detectives are coming up to them.
The first detective: Good morning, Miss! Try on this shoe, please! Mary:Oh, it’s small for me!
The second detective: Good morning, Miss! Try on this shoe, please!
Sue:Oh, it’s small for me!
Prince:Good morning, Miss! Try on this shoe, please!
Cinderella:It’s for me!
Cinderella and Prince: (*the song)
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
The End

* Carolyn Graham Mother Goose Jazz Chants. Oxford University Press, 1998.**Carolyn Graham Tiny Talk(songbook).Oxford University Press, 1999.


1. Раннее обучение английскому языку: теория и практика. Сборник научнометодических статей. – СПб.: «Детство-Пресс», 2004.
2. Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к устройству, содержанию и организации режима работы в дошкольных организациях. Санитарноэпидемиологические правила и нормативы – М., 2010.
3. Тарасюк Н.А. Иностранный язык для дошкольников: Уроки общения (на примере английского языка). – М.: Флинта: Наука, 1999.

  1. Carolyn Graham. Mother Goose Jazz Chants. Oxford University Press, 1998.

  2. Carolyn Graham. Tiny Talk (songbook). Oxford University Press, 1999.